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Vettiver caps helps to keep your head cool. Vettiver roots rich aroma makes you feel fresh as it possess medicinal properties mentioned in ayurvedhs. Keep your head cool this summer with this amazing organic vetiver roots summer cap.
Product Information
Type Ladies hat
Material Vetiver root
Additional Information
Brand: MyEcoKart
Weight: 900g

Shape Maintenance:/ To maintain the shape of the vetiver hat, handle it with care and avoid crushing or folding it unnecessarily. If the hat becomes misshapen, you can reshape it by gently steaming it with a garment steamer or by placing it near a steam source (like a pot of boiling water) and carefully reshaping it with your hands. Air Out Odors: If the hat develops any odors over time, you can air it out by placing it in a well-ventilated area for a few hours or overnight.

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