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Wooden dolls

₹465 ₹655 29%
(900g )
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Sold by: myecokart

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WOODEN DOLLS: Kids? nesting dolls are plenty of fun, but did you know they?re often used as educational tools? Not only do they require motor skills for assembly, kids can flex their counting and spatial skills while stacking. The dolls also aid in building vocabulary, especially when it comes to learning superlatives and order. ?INDIAN DOLLS: Matryoshkas are considered to be both a learning toy and a souvenir. Even now the doll is widely used in preschools as a teaching aid, as it helps youngsters learn their colors, sizes, and shapes. ?For example, with this toy it?s easy to explain the difference between big and small, as there?s no way to put a big doll into a little one, so most children understand it very well,?
?100% MADE IN INDIA TOYS: Wood.100% eco-friendly & non-toxic, child safe colors. No batteries, No plastic.
?INDIAN TOYS: Can be used as a gift, show piece or collectables well. ?NATURAL MATERIALS: Made from natural cuts of wood and decorated with safe water- based paints
Product Information
Material Cane
Style Traditional
Additional Information
Brand: MyEcoKart
Weight: 900g

1. Regular Dusting:/ Dust the wooden doll regularly with a soft, dry cloth or a small, soft-bristled brush to remove any dust or debris that may accumulate on its surface.

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